Welcome to Population Explorer, one of MARC's Regional Data Tools. Population Explorer is designed to provide access to commonly requested demographic, economic, household and health data in map, chart and tabular form.
Use the View and Print Maps tab to visualize and print regional data in map form, and the Retrieve Data tab to select and output regional data at the tract, zip code, school district, city or county level.
Site Information
The Population Explorer data tool was designed by MARC's Department of Research Services to provide quick access to some of the most requested data related to demographics, the economy, households and health in map, chart and tablular format.
Currently, the primary data source for all data is the most recent U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates, with the exception of Life Expectancy, which is sourced from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
To submit feedback, request additional data or functionality, or report bugs please submit a request here.
Limitations: Census tract selection is limited to 124 individual geographies.
How to Use Population Explorer
View and Print Maps
View Maps
In the right navigation under View Maps, click on the subject area you wish to visualize (Demographics, Economics, etc.).
A menu opens with the available data sets. Click the checkbox next to the dataset you wish to visualize on the map.
When you want to toggle off a dataset, simply click again to clear the checkbox.
Print Maps
In the right navigation under Print Maps, click the Print Maps accordion to open the print dialog.
The print dialog opens allowing you to add a title, select the page orientation and file format, and set advanced options like scale, author, copyright and DPI.
When you ready to print the map, click the Export button. to generate the formatted map.
Prepared files will appear below the Export button when ready. Click the file links to download your map.
Retrieve Data
Choose Data
Click the Choose Data button to bring up a popup window listing the various data available for output.
Select a data point to include in your report by clicking the check box to the left of the item.
Once data selections are made, click the Done button to close the popup window.
Select which geographic level you want to define a report for (Tract, Zip Code, School District, City, County).
Choose drawing/selection tool - Point, Polygon, Rectangle
Point - select geographies by point and click, deselect by clicking again.
Polygon select geographies by clicking at a starting point, then clicking to change direction, and double clicking to complete.
Rectangle - select geographies by clicking at a starting point, dragging the mouse until desired area is within the rectangle, and releasing to complete.
Select output type - Chart, Table, or Tables by Geography.
Chart renders bar charts comparing selected geographies
Table renders data in tabular format for all selected geographies
Additional output options
Summarize selected area provides summary data for the selected geographies as a whole.
Include regional values provides summary data for the 9-county region.
Click the Submit button to run the report.
The Output tab will open displaying the data output chosen.
To add/remove data or geographies from the report, return to the Generate a Report tab and repeat steps above.